Education Abroad Promotional Toolkit

Below you will find the Educational Abroad Toolkit that includes promotional materials to use when planning future study, research, service-learning and internships abroad as well as new virtual global programs. Download the images provided, and use the text to accompany the images when promoting study abroad opportunities.

Here are four suggestions for using these tools:

  • Include in departmental newsletters
  • Create posts on social media
  • Send to students in email blasts
  • Post videos to your Canvas/Blackboard or play for students at the beginning of class

    For questions or more information on how to use the provided materials, please contact abroad@vcu.edu.


Newsletters/Social Media/Departmental E-blasts

Though we are living in uncertain times, know that the Education Abroad team is here to help you plan for future study abroad during your time at VCU. Brighten up your future and keep your study abroad plans on track. Connect with an Education Abroad adviser to plan your adventure abroad.

Website: https://global.vcu.edu/abroad/keepstudyingabroad/

#Hashtags: #KeepOnStudyingAbroad

Keep on Studying Abroad



ED Abroad - Brighten Up Your Future

Newsletters/Social Media/Departmental E-blasts

Though it is a weird time to think about study abroad, know that your Education Abroad team is here to help you plan for a future study, research, service-learning and internships abroad during your time at VCU. Brighten up your future and keep your study abroad plans on track. Connect with an Education Abroad Adviser to plan your adventure abroad.

Webpage: vcu.studioabroad.com

Hashtags: #KeepOnStudyingAbroad #GoBeyondTheCompass


 RamsAbroad 101

Participate in Rams Abroad 101, a self-paced online informational video series on how study abroad works at VCU.

Webpage: https://vcu.studioabroad.com/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgramAngular&id=11155

#Hashtags: #KeepOnStudyingAbroad #GoBeyondTheCompass

Media Graphic_ Rams Abroad 101




Ed Abroad presentation



Promotional Presentation

The Education Abroad staff is available to make classroom presentations to your students. Alternatively, you may download this  for your classroom use.



Promotional Animation

Present this animation for a fun, student-oriented way to depict the process of studying abroad, from the initial meeting with an Education Abroad adviser to the final travel destination. The video can be accessed or shown from this video link.



Education Abroad animation



Promotional Video

The Education Abroad team explains the benefits, process and financial information about studying abroad in this video. Access the link to the video for presentations or to include in communication. The video can be accessed or shown from this video link.


Education Abroad Mobile App

Students can use the new Edcuation Abroad App to find out about the process of studying abroad, connecting with Ed Abroad advisers, hearing from students who have returned from a study abroad experience and so much more. Encourage students to download the VCU Mobile app, and search for the Education Abroad module on the 'Features and Services' screen.
