2024 Global Initiatives Master Class Series focuses on global engagement strategies

Contact: Nicol Tinsley
VCU Global Education Office
(804) 828-6463

Richmond, VA (August 8, 2024) — The Global Education Office will hold its second Global Initiatives Master Class Series beginning the fall 2024 semester to provide VCU deans, associate deans, faculty and staff support, recommendations, guidance and data-informed approaches to increasing global engagement. The workshops will be facilitated by several leaders in international education, including Grant Chapman, MA, JD, associate provost for international programs of Kansas State University; Cheryl Delk-Le Good, executive director of EnglishUSA; and Casey Dinger, Ed.D., executive and academic director for internationalization of the University of Denver. The second workshop series follows the inaugural 2023-24 Global Initiatives Master Class Series: Recruitment and Partnership Strategies, presenting new subject matter as the Global Education Office seeks to provide diverse international education learning opportunities to its VCU audiences.

"Last year's VCU Global Initiatives Master Class series, which addressed international student enrollment, was so successful that we wanted to offer another year of learning for faculty and staff, this time focused on global engagement strategies,” said Jill Blondin, Ph.D., associate vice provost for global initiatives.

“The workshops for 2024-2025 will cover a range of topics, all centered around increasing student success and impact, from leveraging English-language instruction across the institution to creating access through Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) to measuring the outcomes of global initiatives," she said.

Information and the workshop schedule are as follows: 

The Global Impact of a University – Can We Measure Global Impact?

September 10, 2024
11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Student Commons, Richmond Salons III-IV

Facilitated by:
Grant Chapman, MA, JD
Associate Provost for International Programs
Kansas State University

Workshop details:
There are many reasons and ways to measure the internationalization or global impact of a university. This workshop will present and highlight the innovative global engagement directory project. The global engagement directory goal is to portray the university’s internationalization activities, programs and partners. The global engagement directory is more than a listing of partners and agreements; it seeks to provide a “holistic” picture of global engagement leading to measure impact.

Maximizing the Impact of Campus-based English Language Programs

October 24, 2024
11 a.m. -1 p.m.
Cabell Library, Room 250

Facilitated by:
Cheryl Delk-Le Good
Executive Director, EnglishUSA

Workshop details:
This interactive workshop will explore the crucial role of campus-based English language programs in advancing international education. Sector-specific data from the global English language program industry will be shared, focusing on trends relevant to potential initiatives. The audience will participate in discussions of multiple key areas where collaborative efforts with the English language program can enhance the teaching and learning experience for the entire campus community as well as support broader, more strategic internationalization efforts.

Fundamentals of Designing a COIL or Global Learning Doesn’t Just Happen

December 10, 2024
11 a.m. -1 p.m.
Student Commons, Richmond Salons III-IV

Facilitated by:
Casey Dinger, Ed.D.
Executive and Academic Director for Internationalization
University of Denver
Faculty Director, Global Engagement Living and Learning Community

Workshop details:
Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) is one type of virtual exchange, where students from two partner institutions engage in purposeful interaction in a joint course which has potential to significantly contribute to intercultural and global learning. COIL can work with a course faculty currently teach, or a completely new course can be developed. Students from both classes may interact synchronously or asynchronously for a few weeks or an entire term through whichever technologies are most relevant and useful. Culturally diverse students work together on a project, class discussions, or similar group work with discipline-based and intercultural learning outcomes. Casey Dinger from University of Denver will introduce participants to some evidence-informed principles of COIL including constructing global or intercultural learning outcomes, discuss the benefits, finding partners, and consider technologies for constructing a COIL experience.

Inquiries about the workshops can be made at vcu.global@gmail.com and those interested in attending the workshops may register in advance. Lunch will be provided during the workshop.