Study Abroad updates

Study abroad programs cancelled through May 2021

Due to the uncertainty of the global COVID-19 pandemic, Virginia Commonwealth University has decided to cancel all study abroad programs through May 2021. This includes spring 2021 and spring break 2021 programs and applies to all study abroad types including, but not limited to, exchanges, direct-enroll, third party provider programs, and independent study.

This recommendation is made in light of VCU’s current suspension of study abroad programs and the recently updated guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention which recommends that institutions of higher education consider postponing or canceling upcoming student international travel programs due to the possibility of students facing unpredictable circumstances, such as travel restrictions, challenges returning home, and challenges accessing health care while abroad.

We will continue to monitor guidance from the CDC, U.S. Department of State and Virginia Department of Health, as well as the destinations’ offices of foreign affairs and ministries of health to make recommendations regarding summer 2021 programs. In the meantime, students are encouraged to visit the Keep on Studying Abroad website for ways they can maintain momentum in planning their study abroad experience.