Finances and Banking
There are several important things to keep in mind about your finances while at VCU:
- Your budget should include your tuition and your monthly living expenses, which will likely total a minimum of $50,000. Even if you are receiving a scholarship or stipend, it is your responsibility to ensure you have sufficient funds to meet your financial obligations.
- You will need at least $3,000 in cash or traveler’s checks for your immediate expenses upon arriving in Richmond: food, transportation, apartment deposit and rent, and other incidentals.
- If you are married or have dependents, please allow for their additional expenses.
- Be aware that promised scholarship or stipend funds may not be available to you until several weeks after classes begin. Additionally, stipends are paid over a period of time, so you will not receive all of these funds in one payment.
- There are no temporary loan funds available for incoming students.
- Upon arrival, you should open an account in a local bank.
- The VCU Student Accounting Department is responsible for all university billing and collection of charges. Questions regarding payments or account balances should be made directly to VCU Student Accounting.
- Tuition and fees, along with any charges for on-campus housing and dining plans; are due at the start of each semester. Students are issued an eBill to the students’ VCU email address.
- Students can view their invoices and statements online through eServices by selecting the “Student” tab and then the “Student Accounts” menu.
- Students may make online payments with a credit card or web check by visiting eServices and selecting “Make a Payment” under the “Student Accounts” menu.
Tuition and fees information
- The VCU Student Accounting Department is responsible for all university billing and collection of charges. Questions regarding payments or account balances should be made directly to VCU Student Accounting.
- Tuition and fees, along with any charges for on-campus housing and dining plans; are due at the start of each semester. Students are issued an eBill to the students’ VCU email address.
- Students can view their invoices and statements online through eServices by selecting the “Student” tab and then the “Student Accounts” menu.
- Students may make online payments with a credit card or web check by visiting eServices and selecting “Make a Payment” under the “Student Accounts” menu.
Banking options in Richmond
There are many banking options in Richmond. Some local branches include:
Bank of America
1111 E. Main St.
Richmond, VA 23219
Phone: (804) 788-2121
10th and Main streets
919 East Main Street
Richmond, Virginia 23219
Phone: (804) 782-5689
Wells Fargo
8th and Main streets
801 East Main Street
Richmond, Virginia 23219
Phone: (804) 343-7050
If you need to transfer money, you may find Western Union helpful:
Western Union
2729 West Broad Street, #B
Richmond, Virginia 23220
Phone: (804) 359-8608