Cultural Conversations

Cultural Conversations from Around the Globe

Cultural Conversations engages VCU students with peers from international partner institutions in weekly guided gatherings via Zoom. Topics of conversation vary based on student interests and have included art, business, the environment, food, health, human rights, language, music and tourism. During the one-hour sessions, students speak in English or the language of the partner institution, allowing for authentic linguistic and intercultural communication practice. Currently, connections are with institutions in Japan, Mali, Mexico, Qatar and Vietnam with the goal of expanding offerings based on student interests. For VCU students interested in Education Abroad, Cultural Conversations can serve as the first step toward engaging internationally from home. Read more about student experiences in Cultural Conversations.

You may sign up for one, two, or all opportunities in a series.  You may also travel with us to different countries as your schedule permits. We simply ask that you sign up in advance so we can give you the agenda for the specific days you sign up for.

The fall 2024 schedule is available below as student and partner institute interests are confirmed. Please check back periodically for updates or sign up to receive an email update when registering for any of the opportunities below. 

 Current Workshop Dates/Times



March 5 (orientation)
March 19
March 26
April 2
April 3

Time (Virginia): 
6:30 - 8:30 p.m.


Links to Review

  • VCU Cultural Conversations reflection and attendance form (to be filled out at the end of EACH one-hour session)
  • Article on the importance of reflecting on global learning goals



Please reach out. We would love to connect.

Audrey Emiko Short

Global Engagement Co-curricular Coordinator

Global Education Office

Virginia Commonwealth University

912 West Grace Street, 4129

Richmond, VA 23284

Learn more about the Global Education Office