GEO News 2020-21
August 23, 2021

Supporting our international students and scholars
In light of the recent security emergency in Afghanistan and the earthquake in Haiti, the VCU Global Education Office and Division of Student Affairs are reaching out to our students and scholars with personal, geographic or cultural ties to these regions.
July 15, 2021

Black + Abroad provides grads and students of color an opportunity to share experiences about traveling and studying abroad
The award-winning series provides a space for Black students who are interested in studying abroad to share their questions and reservations with experienced travelers of color.
June 22, 2021

Passport delays require planning ahead
More people are travelling out of the country this summer and need to obtain or renew a U.S. passport for travel. Find out steps you can take in order to receive your U.S. passport in time for travel.
June 15, 2021

VCU Globe students share their REAL experiences
Three VCU Globe students recently shared how VCU's REAL (Relevant, Experiential and Applied Learning) experiences not only shaped them but helped them connect, create and contribute.
June 10, 2021

VCU awarded 100K Innovation Fund grant for teacher training in STEM education
VCU’s Global Education Office and School of Education will work with Universidad El Bosque in Bogotá, Colombia, to bolster STEM education for Colombian and U.S. students.
June 3, 2021

Intercultural Festival showcases cultural cooking demos
Three VCU international students showcased their culinary talents during the university's Intercultural Festival with virtual cooking demonstrations of dishes from their home countries.
May 27, 2021

VCU email domain merge requires updates by students
VCU recently merged into a single email domain and all students are now required to use instead of
March 23, 2021

Virtual global learning provides an alternative to studying abroad
Students discuss their experiences as study abroad programs pivot to virtual global learning when programs are canceled due to COVID-19.
March 5, 2021

New resource helps international students during tax filing season
VCU partners with Sprintax to offer free tax preparation software designed for nonresident students
March 2, 2021

VCU study abroad alum reflects on factors shaping his experience
Omar Crockett studied abroad in four countries as a student at VCU. He recently shared how this shaped his experience and continues to influence his career goals.
March 1, 2021

Advice for international students offered in IESC newsletter
GEO intern and ISSAB member, Lindai Xi recently shared advice on how international students can overcome homesickness in the International Educational Studies Center newsletter.
February 8, 2021

Study abroad programs cancelled through Summer 2021
In light of VCU’s current suspension of study abroad programs and guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) regarding the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic, VCU has decided to cancel all summer 2021 education abroad programs.
November 19, 2020

Virtual courses create unique global connections for students
The Global Education Office helps students continue to make international and mult-generational connections through virtual programs.
November 11, 2020

International student shares why she chose VCU and her experience during COVID-19
Jayani Christoper discusses being an international student at VCU during the era of COVID-19.
October 16, 2020

$1 million gift will help expand programs for international students
An anonymous $1 million gift to VCU Engineering will enrich the experience of international students at Virginia Commonwealth University and its College of Engineering by providing funds for a range of cultural and educational activities to help them thrive in a new environment.
October 1, 2020

VCU named the nation’s #1 Peace Corps Prep Certificate-Issuing Institution for 2020
The Peace Corps announced Virginia Commonwealth University is the agency’s number one certificate-issuing institution for 2020.
September 23, 2020

Study abroad programs cancelled through May 2021
Due to the uncertainty of the global COVID-19 pandemic, Virginia Commonwealth University has decided to cancel all study abroad programs through May 2021.