GEO News 2015-16
June 21, 2016

Young African leaders gather at VCU for public management and leadership institute
Fifty of Africa’s brightest emerging leaders in the areas of public management, business and entrepreneurship are spending June 20-July 31 in Richmond participating in the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders.
June 20, 2016

Young African leaders meet at VCU
Back home in Nigeria, Dr. Danladi S. Idrisa works in public health to mitigate the pain inflicted by Boko Haram extremists on civilians — the kidnapped Chibok schoolgirls represent only “a small fraction” of that suffering. Idrisa now is at Virginia Commonwealth University for a six-week program he hopes will yield ideas to make intervention and assistance programs in Nigeria more efficient.
May 27, 2016

GEO awards Undergraduate Research Fellowships
While some students use the summer to take a well-deserved break from academic pursuits, many spend this time delving further into subjects that they’ve studied throughout the semester.
May 25, 2016

GEO in the News: Task force to help fight Muslim stereotypes at VCU
Multiple departments at VCU came together and created a “Muslim Advocacy Task Force,” in order to combat stereotypes against Muslims and hatred towards the Islamic culture.
May 13, 2016

A Voice For Global Nomads Of Color
Amanda Bate, a master’s student in the VCU School of Education counselor education program recently completed an internship in the Global Education Office working with International Student and Scholar Programs.
May 11, 2016

Andrea Ward becomes first VCU graduate of Peace Corps Prep program to join the Corps
Andrea Ward, a senior at Virginia Commonwealth University, was one of the first students to enroll in the VCU Globe Peace Corps Prep program when it launched in November of 2014.
April 4, 2016

Faculty from China receive medical and English training at VCU
Over the last six months, a cohort of faculty from Youjiang Medical University for Nationalities in Guangxi, China has participated in a medical faculty development program hosted by Virginia Commonwealth University.
March 25, 2016

International educators enjoy ‘Global Learning through the Co-Curriculum’ conference at VCU
“How does a university equip students with knowledge that expands their global competence?” is a question asked on college campuses across the nation. Many international educators agree that the answers don’t only exist in the classroom, but also in the places where students live, work, volunteer and play. For two days last week, international educators from around the country delved into this discussion to uncover the role that co-curricular activities play in helping students increase their global competence.
May 17, 2015

Why Studying Abroad Is Safer Than You May Think
The deaths of Americans studying overseas make headlines back home, but going abroad is no riskier than staying on campus. In fact, it might be less dangerous.
March 17, 2015

VCU Fulbright Scholar visits UKZN
Dr James Vonesh of the Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in the United States visited UKZN’s School of Life Sciences to present a lecture based on his work as Principal Investigator at VCU’s Vonesh lab.
February 26, 2016

VCU Globe Inaugural Graduation
Surrounded by family and friends, students in the inaugural cohort of VCU Globe celebrated their completion of the program in a graduation ceremony on Friday, February 12.
February 25, 2016
Special Announcement: Health Alert: ZIKA VIRUS
TThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a travel alert for countries where Zika virus is prevalent. Check the CDC's travel notices regularly for updates as new countries are being added to this list.
February 11, 2016

VCU to host Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders
For the second year in a row, Virginia Commonwealth University has been selected as a host institution for the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders. Beginning in mid-June, VCU will welcome 50 of Africa’s brightest emerging leaders in the areas of public management, business and entrepreneurship.
December 10, 2015
GEO awards five grants to the Humanities Research Center
The Global Education Office is pleased to award five grants to support the Humanities Research Center.
December 4, 2015
Students graduate from the ELP Program, Fall 2015
International students celebrated as they received certificates for graduating from the English Language Program at the Fall 2015 graduation. Students Zeinab Diaby and Rafaela Silva delivered keynote speeches to fellow students, offering student reflections and words of encouragement.
December 4, 2015
VCU Globe wins the Senator Paul Simon Spotlight Award
VCU Globe was recently presented with the prestigious 2015 Senator Paul Simon Spotlight Award during International Education Week. The award is granted by NAFSA: Association of International Educators to innovative university programs that make a significant contribution to campus internationalization.
November 18, 2015
VCU participates in historic U.S. higher education delegation to Cuba
Virginia Commonwealth University recently participated in a historic delegation visit to Cuba from Oct. 24 to Nov. 1. R. McKenna Brown, Ph.D., Global Education Office senior international officer, Joe Seipel, School of the Arts dean and Joann Richardson, Ph.D., associate professor and director of undergraduate studies in the College of Humanities and Sciences Department of Kinesiology and Health Sciences represented VCU in the delegation.
November 18, 2015
Open Doors report: International students see VCU as a top choice in Virginia, study abroad grows
For the fifth year in a row, Virginia Commonwealth University is among the state’s top five institutions hosting international students, according to the 2015 Open Doors Report on International Educational Exchange, released Monday in Washington, D.C. by the Institute of International Education.
September 2, 2015
VCU Deans visit China to explore collaboration opportunities
Virginia Commonwealth University’s initiative to increase the number of Chinese students who enroll at VCU and university students who study in China took a major step forward this summer when the Global Education Office led a delegation of deans to Beijing, Chengdu and Shanghai over a two week period.
July 30, 2015
African presidential fellows at VCU hope for ‘United States of Africa’
When the continent of Africa is mistakenly referred to as a singular country, it’s typically seen as a dismissal of the myriad of cultures it comprises. Benjamin Dankaka, a member of the presidential Mandela Washington Fellowship from Nigeria, said perhaps that is prophetic.
July 22, 2015

Six VCU alumni selected for Fulbright grants
Six Virginia Commonwealth University alumni have been awarded Fulbright grants for the 2015-2016 academic year. The awards include four English Teaching Assistant grants and two research grants.
July 13, 2015

VCU hosts Nelson Mandela International Day Celebration
Virginia Commonwealth University, in collaboration with the African Community Network of Greater Richmond and Cammepa Productions, will host a celebration honoring participants in the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders to commemorate Nelson Mandela International Day.
April 27, 2016

Task force meets with VCU community to discuss Muslim outreach initiatives
Virginia Commonwealth University President Michael Rao, Ph.D., and members of the Muslim Advocacy Task Force met with students, faculty and staff last week to discuss Muslim outreach initiatives on campus.
May 6, 2016

Five VCU students receive Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarships
Five Virginia Commonwealth University students have been awarded scholarships through the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program for study abroad during summer 2016.